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tv   [untitled]    December 1, 2011 10:00am-10:30am EST

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the. police sweep through the occupy l.a. county arresting almost three hundred people but the anti corporate movement is still gaining momentum but now picking up support from the other side of the barricades. moscow says it can't ground because the violence serves russian passports but will provide any aid necessary after thousands police first citizenship to escape discrimination and hostility from ethnic albanians. iran faces further isolation as e.u. foreign ministers agree on more sanctions following a mob attack on the british embassy in tehran. and in business western markets have reduced earlier high gains but still and the trading day in the black looking at
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the figures in our business bulletin in about twenty minutes time. a very warm welcome for you this is r.t. live from moscow with me will recent shine one of america's longest standing occupy camps stationed at los angeles city hall for over two months has just been cleared by police almost three hundred people were rounded up by offices in riot gear who forced out the protesters after being ignored and fiction order the city also cleared over twenty five thousand tons of dead brianne personal belongings from the park. can now reports. nearly three hundred people were arrested in l.a. on wednesday the police action against the protesters was not as heavy as what we've seen in other cities like oakland in california or new york indifference it
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is police used tear gas on people rubber bullets sound cannons pepper spray no this time they just performed arrest no injuries as far as we know but still almost three hundred peaceful protesters arrested those were people who refused to leave the park surrounding the l.a. city hall which they've been occupying for the last eight weeks some demonstrators climbed into some trees to avoid a victim police were using cherry pickers to take them off those trees the occupiers in l.a. received an eviction order last week officials are citing sanitation problems and possible damages reasons behind eviction order we've seen this happening all across the u.s. under different three and says authorities have been taking protesters out of their occupied locations in philadelphia police in riot gear confronted demonstrators arresting around fifty people about fifty people who refuse to hear
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a street over the last two months around five thousand occupy protesters have been arrested across the united states the movement has been generally very useful their message was all about nonviolent from the very beginning and to the credit of the occupiers in l.a. even as widespread arrests were taking place and there were lots of emotions involved of course there were brought down there and to stand for many years that the message of the movement vanished together with the peasants in those parts the message being against corporate greed against corruption in washington. inequality and excesses of the u.s. financial system. he's going to reporting right there well as the tent cities around the u.s. are being clear protesters are being forced to find new ways of making a stand in the mix the movement is seeking to find more specific goals and attract more supporters and as our correspondent maureen important iowa has been finding out recent converts are even now being recruited from the ranks of police. the
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streets occupy wall street has become an undeniable american household name. and police crackdowns against the democratic movement have become something of the norm not so normal is seeing one side endorse the other. retired philadelphia police captain bray lewis became the game changer on nov seventeenth arrested while demonstrating with occupy protesters on the streets of new york city the twenty four year veteran was held in police custody for eleven hours and received one comment from a new york cop nobody spoke to this one individual. although all of america's police force is part of the ninety nine percent captain lewis says cops secretly supporting the u.s. base dire consequences by going public oh
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a tremendous. job in discipline being fired and then what everybody. and police officers also they can not risk they have children. jobs available the nighttime raid on zuccotti park and subsequent arrest of dozens of journalists covering the story are among many reasons captain lewis says he temporarily transplanted to manhattan that's. when you actually the media. as with the papers around the world. is very scary brutal scare tactics such as pepper spray at times and flash grenades canisters have been used against occupy camps throughout the u.s. oakland california resembles something of an urban war zone this fall leaving a war vet in critical condition and the eyes of an eighty four year old burning from tear gas oakland police officer fred chavez is the only active cop who's gone
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on record with his support but totally agree with. even to us in iraq broker i am a part of the ninety nine percent but most of the people are peaceful they want to see change many believe the biggest change could calm when or if u.s. law enforcement officials stop suppressing the right to assemble and begin supporting despite his arrest captain lewis is back at zuccotti park showing unwavering support for the occupy movement standing roughly ten or fifteen feet away from him a group of new york city police officers yes they're here securing the area but some are beginning to show a little interest for the first time i had an officer break ranks yesterday at the barricade line a white officer named officer and introduced himself and he asked me a few question i said you know the risk you're taking and he was so brave and he said this is still america and until a supervisor ordered ordered me back to the line i'm going to talk with you i hope
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to get mainstream america involved the police involved realizing that we're all victims of corporate america and north america has got to be stopped. r.t. new york and i right now are seven minutes past the hour here a moscow has pledged to cause a sue it says face a desperate situation but foreign ministry has a criticize the authorities and cause a fire for violating the rights of the minority subset they face discrimination and hostility from ethnic albanians and nato peacekeeping forces in northern cause of our others for a little peace in the region since july that's when a standoff started between nato forces and protesters putting up barricades to prevent because of un officials taking control of border checkpoints the foreign ministry says that moscow will do whatever it can to help. is the serbs in kosovo only desperate situation if facing livy take a ship of the so-called republic of kosovo square threatened with being stripped of
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their basic rights such as making self administration was asked why president did it has ordered them to be provided with humanitarian aid and also help rebuild churches russia will continue its diplomatic efforts to help protect the interests of serbs living in kosovo. russia's response to a plea by the serbs to grant them russian citizenship i mean time our correspondent . travel to cause i to say why many opted for such a drastic measure. once not toward george first started walking around the roads of kosovo with his writing who paid attention after all he was just an elderly refugee a man who lost his job as a lawyer and his home when he was driven out of commission a by kosovar albanians in one thousand nine hundred nine now everyone here knows who he is since the summer around a hundred thousand people all most of the kosovo serbs a signed up for his petition
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their cause a plea for russian citizenship. we don't want to live in russia but belgrade is two weeks to protect us the minority here that's why we had that russia will step in to help us same as the americans and the europeans have supported the interests of the albanians in kosovo. postmen the use of much of each constant blackouts low wages and ethnic violence are normal part of life here yet he says he will not leave and nor will his three children because this is where they spend their entire lives for him citizenship as a last resort. we live in constant fear every year we see great and great intentions from the albanians to drive us out even a few areas where there are still serbs countries being recognized by the west but we are no part of it just like belgrade moscow has refused to recognize albanian controlled kosovo as an independent state following its conflict of serbia in one thousand nine hundred nine and the declaration of independence three years ago and
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the addition has gained attention in moscow it is this is an unprecedented outpouring of desire to become russian citizens so there is no past guidance on how to deal with this situation but we do think this is alarming and a direct result of how western forces have tried to deal with the problem by favoring one of the sides. meanwhile serbs in kosovo continue to build barricades around their pockets of population ready to stay with only one trying to force them out whatever the rights and wrongs of the conflict that happened here in one thousand nine hundred ninety nine you can't help but feel for the serbian minority here in northern possible surrounded by hostility increasingly abandoned by belgrade ignored by the international community so they believe the russians is a joke perhaps should be taken literally but to the side of just how desperate the situation has become. hard to see kosovo now or ten minutes past the hour here
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still ahead for you in the program first hurdle greek technocrats are having their leadership tested early by a massive strike with thousands on a walkout over more cuts to secure yet another pair of. foreign ministers from europe have agreed to impose fresh sanctions against iran over its controversial nuclear program ahead of the talks in brussels british foreign secretary william hague called for increased economic pressure and isolation on iran's financial sector to get more on the story we are joined by our correspondent. tessa thanks for coming on the program today and what can you tell us about these latest measures being used against iran. well the latest sanctions coming from the european foreign affairs council today they put one hundred forty three organizations and seventeen individuals on a sanctions list already existing of course which puts as a free says on the most of all as this abounds now to be honest of business is a rather watered down version of what some countries in the e.u.
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would have wanted to begin with for example the u.k. and germany have been calling for definitely stronger sanctions center earlier this week france had been urging e.u. countries to immediately impose acid free an asset freeze on the central bank of iran as well as a suspend imports of oil from the country however this didn't go down well with some countries such as in spain and greece and italy because they significantly rely on rain at all and they have said there will be no sanctions on oil in iraq this is coming at a time when there economies are already battered as it is so divisions among you countries clearly some of them i think of their national interest which is which is only natural at this point so again they have come up with fresh adding adding to that list that already exists and this is coming on the back of course of an angry a u.k. after hardliners had slammed the embassy in tehran the u.k. had already withdrawn its ambassador to the country and this move was followed by france germany and the netherlands in support of that support of the u.k.'s move in
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showing their condemnation of that attack on the embassy now all of this again is coming after that report that came out early this month in november so this is still part of that big umbrella where they want to introduce fresh sanctions because that report suggests that iran have been pursuing nuclear ambitions which is not peaceful this is something that has been that week and has repeatedly denied and for now though the e.u. for example you foreign sorry foreign policy chief catherine ashton she had said that she still at this at this moment is hoping that iran would work reply to respond to her requests for to go see. it's for this moment no reply yet from the uranium so what they can do so far is their concern collective concern of over iran's nuclear program but in terms of the practicality of the sanctions they want to impose clearly there will be divisions and this is the best that they can come
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off without a moment when it comes to iran and that's not the only country to be hit by new sanctions lately is it certainly iran is not the only country hit with sanctions as of today syria was also on the agenda of the foreign affairs minister they had added this time at twelve people eleven companies to that list of sanctions again also putting asset freezes and balances on these individuals so this is of course in line with what they have said in the past they want to show that assad is isolated in this case they want to show that they are condemning the crackdowns and by by doing this they're cornering assad this is their strategy and some analysts would point out that by targeting businesses this would hurt not just the economy of syria it will also put pressure on the business elite which at this point is still sitting on the sitting on the fence when it comes to this political crisis for supporting assad or for that matter so sanctions still coming forward at the arab league representative the head is also here for talks so he had said that by
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putting sanctions on syria this is a better alternative to military intervention but at the end of the day it has to does have to be seen whether sanctions would actually corner or get the desired results that they want from the government or if there's impact people and businesses. socially in brussels thank you. watching r.t. live from moscow now greece has ground to a halt as public service employees walk out over a new paper cuts job suspensions and emergency property tax and the protest is the first major test for the new technocrat leadership in athens which secured their next e.u. bailout tranche by pledging to go forward with austerity thousands of people went out on athens main square while the strike closed schools disrupted public transport and left hospitals relying just on emergency and staff on wednesday the e.u. monetary affairs chief warmblood euro zone has just ten days to stabilize the single
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currency and stem the crisis meanwhile the european central bank said it's ready to play a bigger role but nations should tie their budgetary policies closer together financial analysts tell you one hundred one over the fells says tighter economic governance is needed but country's sovereignty could be sacrificed in the process. the sense of urgency certainly has not only to do with greece's it has to do with what is happening overall in the monetary union there are a lot of going to resign under pressure don't forget for example the situation of poor to go to spain problem is also very much on the table and then of course there's the italian problem it's very basic you can't have a functioning monetary union without a political union that's a choice you have to make and you can't have one without the other that has been very much proven now in the last two years of crisis what we do lack is political authority now of course that needs to be build up democratically but we cornered
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ourselves so much in this euro crisis that we don't have the time left to build up the political union in a normal democratic way so we will have to do it in another way that is through the representatives of the different countries being the heads of governments of the different countries it still leaves a lot of questions with respect to the democratic value of all this on the table but there is no more choice either you do that or you let the euro and the monetary union go down the drain it is nearly twenty minutes past the hour now here in moscow there was a blowing web site wiki leaks has begun releasing sensational information on the multi-billion dollar global spying industry the database contains hundreds of documents shining a light on the methods being used by secret services all over the world laura smith our joins us live with details well or a god then tell us all about these spy files were here. well it may be there are two hundred eighty seven of them have already been released but that's just the
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beginning according to wiki leaks and they detail what wiki leaks is calling mass surveillance that's going on on a global scale they say that ten years ago this is an industry that really didn't exist but that nine eleven provided essentially a license for companies to start developing spying systems that basically affect all of us and now there are one hundred sixty companies in twenty different countries all developing this software and it's an industry that's completely unregulated it's just sort of bring it down to the basics julian assange said you know he did a quick survey around the room in this press conference that we were at this morning and he said who here owns an i phone or uses g. mail or has a blackberry and puts their hands up and he says basically you know you are under surveillance and that is without a doubt these systems are able to spy on e-mail they're able to track track what you look at on the internet they will to track he streets what you search for him if you will search for example and telephones are inherently tracking devices in
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their own right you're carrying around a device that enables people to know where you are any given time there's also software that can be remotely installed on your telephone to record conversations that you have and also mazing you to take photographs of you and whoever your with and said you want to see the relevant agencies the cia apparently has is using software which can detect a voice print and matches instantly and know who it is you're speaking to identify callers on the telephone and in fact i thought has been working on this for some time and he told me when i interviewed him some months ago that facebook was a perfect tool for the cia the cia to century track everything that was going on via facebook this is software that's being made by western companies and then sold to countries which include according to wiki leaks. syria egypt. and libya you can look yourselves and see these documents that they're all online at wiki leaks top
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forward slash spy files but i'll just give you one example which is of contracts that wiki leaks is uncovered between a french company called amasis with the late colonel gadhafi former regime in libya to track mobile communications and wiki leaks says it has evidence that that software was used to track libyans opponents of these who were living in the u.k. at the time even though they say it's completely illegal in western companies western countries story it's illegal to use this kinds of these kinds of software by any kind of agency to obtain blanket information on groups of people in tunisia or wiki leaks says there has proof that the use of this software result in the information gained from the use of software like this has resulted in people dying at the hands of the grazie and it's not being used anymore to track individuals they they were at pains to point out that it's used to track whole communities whole ethnic groups whole nations surveillance on an industrial scale and that's
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didn't have any advice to us as to how we could protect ourselves against this kind of tracking counterintelligence software must be to about it but it hasn't been developed yet more files coming out as i say. laura logan thank you. well we've got more stories of videos for you and our top column for now a quick taste of what's standing by for you. the last remaining european country to uphold the death sentence the ultimate punishment for two men guilty of a retro deter attack. and a robin hood policy two groups which are infiltrated a u.n. server have joined forces to steal from the banks in order to give to the charities . it's been revealed that barack obama told russia's president he had no intention of signing any legally binding documents on the unseen missile shield in europe despite moscow pushing hard for some kind of agreement. explains or tells well
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according to president's new video during a bilateral meeting that was held behind closed doors between him and president obama the u.s. president has said that it would be no political gain for the u.s. in such a decision in providing russia with any legal agreements that nature's n.c. missile defense shield in europe will be posing any threat to russian security of course nato has been saying all this time that the main purpose of the shield is to protect nato countries from potential nuclear threats coming from in iran in north korea but the shield will be covering a large part of airspace over russia so it could not be not so russia's concern of course there was a response to that earlier this week russian president dmitry medvedev launched radio location system not save against the west as he emphasized himself but located at russia's western western most points in the region. and russian president said that he's still willing to use that radio location system together
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with nato to targets common threats and goals however if nato is not willing to negotiate and corporates it could be a first step for russia to building its own and tell you so defense shield adding. to russia's borders. stright missiles that are called their nature is already labeled as twenty two or stone once again president david says that he doesn't want this to be the case and the last thing russia would want to do to be forced to do rather is to pull outs from this idiot arms reduction treaty that president and president barack obama signed some two years ago the treaty that signified the reset of relations between the two countries this ending of the cold war but if its security continued to be threatened that that's will be the case. all
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right time for the prisoners corrina joins us next. hello and welcome to our business thanks for joining me the european union has agreed to discuss exempting russian companies from some of the provisions in its new energy regulations so-called third energy package requires the separation of energy production transit and sales something that russia strongly opposes but in the course of the reports on the meeting between russia's energy minister said. the commission. talks between the two have stalled since may and so there was the first time since then both sides try to argue their case now even though there was no resolution the european commissioner did say that amendments could be considered to the third energy package next year and this is crucial for russia because the package does require the separation of gas transit production and supply going against everything that russia's gas mobley gas from the stands for not the same
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time europe is currently trying to build its own pipeline trying to lessen its dependence on russia its main gas supplier and this is seen as the main rival to russia's south soon project even though russia insists it's far more efficient than the pipeline does have europe's seal of approval so right now russia and gastro are trying to get the trans european network status for sound stream which will increase confidence in european investors well many analysts believe that ever actually we will see a compromise from both sides because not only is a europe essential to russia to maintain its profits but europe itself sees a russia as an integrity part of its energy provision. as i look at the markets now well fluctuates in new york as more americans than forecast of filled up occasions for employment good prices are still there too it's high after the u.s. federal reserve and five other central banks cut the cost of emergency funding for
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european banks and u.s. stocks fluctuates a day after the market had its best day in tune a half years markets are mixed this is another rise in applications for employment benefits last week said a negative tone on wall street and the increase is a sign of weakness in the labor market because people are still being you know stocks in europe are mixed this hour and west is being mixed results from spanish and french bond auctions and a downbeat survey of the region's manufacturing sector the case puts. he is up point four percent and the dax is down over slightly over half a percent banks bank of england has urged banks to build reserves in place of the euro crisis. and hearing mush in russia markets have reduced area high gains but end of the trading day in the black let's have a look at some individual shiloh's their energy majors finished lower look or lost one point two percent which is likely largest oil producer plans to invest forty
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eight billion dollars in two thousand and twelve and two thousand and fourteen as it seeks to revive oil and gas production growth. and that ought to be only four percent and financials were mostly higher would be to be adding over one of. the you factor in the timothy in russia speeding up his b c's purchasing managers index rose to almost fifty three points in the band for a reading about fifty signals growth in the sector has b.c. says risks of stagnation diminished and orders on the rise and higher however that's mostly due to stable state investment. that's all i have for you this hour join me in about fifteen minutes from now here interests to. the book of. the book the book.
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the. wealthy british scientists scientists that's not the type of. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our key.
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is. to. come. to the. same. as russians pick for parliament who are the main contenders in the race for duma seats the party's ever present leader loving new year's eve in all see why far russia's most boisterous and controversial bully politician current campaign slogan we are for russians priorities food housing transport and science because success here in austin polled third in russia's first presidential election critics cry over racist remarks personal violence and popular.


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